Create a Classroom Climate for Social Emotional Learning
Social emotional learning is big right now, and for good reason! There are so many benefits to incorporating SEL into your classroom. This approach improves emotional regulation and behaviors, promotes responsible decision

How to Add SEL into your Distance Learning Schedule
With schools closed due to Covid-19, social emotional learning instruction can sometimes get pushed to the back-burner. In reality, it’s now more than ever that students need a focus on

Growth Mindset Resources for Parents & Kids
Resources for Kids Books Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D This book will teach you all about how you can stretch and shape your

Gratitude in the Classroom
An Attitude of Gratitude in the Classroom Gratitude in the classroom has been proven to change the way students act, think, and speak. “That’s not fair!” “This ALWAYS happens to

Manage Holiday Stress in the Classroom
The holidays are filled with so much joy and fun, but they can also bring stress and anxiety for adults and students alike. Holiday stress doesn’t just affect adults. The

Promoting Kindness with Elf on the Shelf in the Classroom
Using an Elf on the Shelf in my classroom was always one of my favorite holiday traditions. In my most recent teaching position, I had a class of first graders

Kindness Challenges in the Classroom
The key to a happy classroom is kindness. It is arguably the most important thing we can teach our students. Kindness challenges are a powerful tool for teaching and reinforcing

Announcement: The Social Emotional Teacher
If you’ve been here before, you may have noticed things look a little bit different! Miss Curley’s Classroom is now “The Social Emotional Teacher.“ I made the decision to center

Social Emotional Learning: Is It Worth the Time?
Social emotional learning is being talked about frequently in the education community. In light of violence in schools and mental health concerns on the rise, many leaders in education suggest

How to Change Your Desktop Icons
As an educational resource creator, I spend a lot of time working on my computer. I’ve been that person with 87 things sitting unorganized on my desktop. Every time I

7 Ways to Use Mindfulness in the Classroom
Do you use mindfulness in the the classroom? It has completely transformed my classroom management style. I have students who are more self aware and are able to self regulate

Calm Down Corner: 7 Tips and Why You Need One
Why Calm Down Corners Matter A calm down corner is a must have in my classroom. I have taught in high poverty schools for my whole teaching career.

Word of the Year
I love the mindful practice of choosing one word to represent your intentions for the year. In the past, I have set resolutions. You know the kind — “I will