Resources for Kids
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D

This book will teach you all about how you can stretch and shape your brain through growth mindset. Learn how your brain is like a muscle and how mistakes make it stronger.
Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg

This book takes a look at just how awesome our mistakes are because sometimes they can be an opportunity to make something beautiful.
After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again) by Dan Santat

You’ve probably heard the story of Humpty Dumpty and his great fall, but what happened after? Learn how Humpy Dumpty used a growth mindset to get back up again.
PBS Kids Problem Solving Games
Explore tons of fun games to help you practice problem solving! Ask a parent to help you access the website ( to get started playing.
This podcast will help you to develop a growth mindset through engaging stories about Leo and Zara, two silly best friends who are on a mission to discover real life growth mindset stories.
This podcast is perfect for growing your curiosity and learning new things! The hosts, Mindy & Guy, will guide you on a journey to discover cool stories in science and technology. This is a great podcast to listen to with the whole family.
To find these resources, ask a parent or other trusted adult to go to to find the links to check each one out!
Resources for Parents
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

This book explores the psychology behind growth mindset and how we can learn to fulfil our potential in relation to business, parenting, school, and relationships.
How Children Succeed by Paul Tough

This book discusses the importance of a child’s character (skills like perseverance, self-esteem, optimism, and curiosity) are the key factor to their success.
Mindsets for Parents: Strategies to Encourage Growth Mindsets in Kids by Mary Cay Ricci

This book, written for parents, gives tips for increasing effort, perseverance, and hard work in kids. It is designed to provide parents with a roadmap to developing a home environment where growth mindset thrives.
“10 Phrases to Help You Develop a Growth Mindset in Parenting” by Alissa Marquess
This article provides parents with strategies through 10 simple phrases to develop a growth mindset of their own in terms of their role as parents.
“Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives” by Maria Popova
This article breaks down the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and the impact each mindset can have on our lives.
This website is full of helpful resources for parents. The site explores what growth mindset is, why it’s important, and best practices for the development of growth mindset in the home. There are also sections including resources for mentors and educators.
This is a great place to go for products you can use with your child at home to continue developing a growth mindset. Be sure to check out the blog for great articles covering many aspects of growth mindset.
Sunshine Parenting – Episode 5: Using a Growth Mindset with Jeff Cheley
This podcast episode from Sunshine Parenting is a discussion with Jeff Cheley about his experiences with growth mindset as a camp director and father of 3.
The Balanced Educator – Episode 99: Mindfulness & Growth Mindset with Teacher Jenelle Gagné
This podcast episode from The Balanced Educator is a discussion about growth mindset with teacher and mom, Jenelle Gagné. She provides insight and strategies for implementing growth mindset in the classroom or at home.
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