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How to Create Paper Bag Books with Kids

February 1, 2024 No Comments

Engaging students in creative activities is a proven way to enhance their learning experience. One fantastic project that combines creativity and learning is creating paper bag books. This hands-on activity allows students to explore a given topic in depth, showcase their artistic skills, and have a keepsake book that they can refer back to anytime!

In this blog post, we’ll go step-by-step through the process of creating paper bag books with your students. In the post, you’ll see examples of paper bag books using SEL skills, but paper bag books can be used for so many different subject areas or even just for fun!

What's a Paper Bag Book?

A paper bag book is a mini, handmade book using 2 paper lunch sacks. You can use pre-made pages (like the examples shown throughout the post) or have students create their own pages!

graphic of list of reasons to use paper bag books: fun and engaging teaches and gives practice hands on and interactive reference tool for life

Materials You'll Need:

Before diving into the project, gather the following materials. I’ve linked my Amazon aff. links where I got each one, but you can get most of these anywhere!

  1. Paper lunch bags (2 per student – standard size)
  2. Copies of the book pages (I’ve linked the SEL pages I created here, but you can use others!)
  3. Stapler or Hole Punch (if using a hole punch, you will need string to tie the book together)
  4. Washi Tape (optional but adds a decorative touch!)
  5. Scissors & Glue Sticks for students

Step 1: Stack the Paper Bags

Begin by stacking the paper bags, ensuring that you alternate the open side of each bag. For instance, if bag number 1 has the open side on the top, bag number 2 should have the open side on the bottom. 

Step 2: Fold Paper Bags in Half

Once the bags are stacked correctly, fold them in half, effectively creating the pages of the book.  You can use a stapler to secure the closed side, or if you prefer a different approach, use a hole punch and tie the pages together with string.

photo showing how to do step one of creating paper bag books
photo showing step 2 of how to create paper bag books

Step 3: Secure Paper Bag Book Edge

Once folded, use a stapler to secure the closed edge of the paper bag book. You could also use a 2-hole punch and tie together with string!

Step 4: Glue Pages in Paper Bag Book

To fill the paper bag book, you’ll need 1 cover page, 6 inside pages, and optionally 1 back cover. You can also use 2 tabbed pages to insert in the open edges of the paper bags!

I use 4.5×4.5in square pages.

Once pages are cut out, students can glue them on each page of the paper bag book.

photo direction showing step 4 of how to create a paper bag book

Step 5: Insert Tabbed Pages

If you are using tabbed page inserts, simply insert them into the 2 openings in the paper bag book. Students will be able to slide them in and out. This step is optional, but adds a really fun interactive element to your paper bag book!

Step 6: Add Washi Tape to Edges (Optional)

This step is optional and only applies if you used staples instead of string! I like to add washi tape to the edges of my paper bag books. It really makes them come together and look more like a little book! Just align your tape with the closed edge of the book and cover both the front and back edge. 

photo showing step 6 of how to create a paper bag book with kids: apply washi tape to edges
photo showing step 6 of how to create a paper bag book with kids

Creating paper bag books is an exciting and interactive way to promote learning and creativity in the classroom. This project not only enhances students’ fine motor skills but also allows them to take pride in a tangible and personalized creation! You can integrate this activity into your own lesson plans, and watch as your students develop a deeper appreciation for learning through hands-on engagement.

See Me Create One!

See Some Completed Paper Bag Book Examples!

covers of paper bag books for empathy and emotions
empathy paper bag book photo example
photo showing inside of emotions paper bag book

Shop Ready to Go SEL Paper Bag Books


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