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Decision Making Paper Bag Book

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Decision Making Paper Bag Book
Product Details

Have you ever made paper bag books with your students before? They are so fun and engaging and your students are sure to LOVE them! I've created a series of paper bag books to teacher students social emotional learning skills. The topic for this book is decision making.

Students will explore:
  • defining decision making
  • 5 steps to make a responsible decision
  • what is integrity and how to use it in decision making
  • good and poor decision sort

These books serve as great tools that students can take home or keep with them as reminders of important social emotional topics and skills like decision making. They encourage hands on, interactive learning and keep students engaged with their visually appealing nature and fun activities!

Check out my blog post on how to make paper bag books here:

There are assembly directions and photos included in the resource!
Students will need:
  • 2 regular sized paper lunch sacks each
  • markers or crayons
  • scissors
  • glue
  • stapler

There are both black and white/black line AND full color versions included! Print the black and white version for students to color (and save ink!) or print the already colored version to skip this step!

If you have any questions about this product, you can reach out to me at: and I would love to help!

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Welcome to The Social Emotional Teacher blog! I’m an elementary teacher who is passionate about empowering students through the power of social emotional learning. Thanks for stopping by!


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