I love the mindful practice of choosing one word to represent your intentions for the year. In the past, I have set resolutions. You know the kind — “I will eat healthy.” or “I will work out every day.” Next thing I know I’m eating Chick-Fil-A and running to Target instead of running on the treadmill. I don’t know about you, but once I break a resolution, I find myself giving up on it. This is why I am embracing the idea of setting my intentions for the year using a single word.
So, you might be wondering what my word is this year. After scouring lists of “ideas for word of the year” on Pinterest, I settled on one: My word for 2020 will be: HABIT
I want to focus on healthy habits in all aspects of my life this year. From an intention morning routine, to healthy exercise and mindfulness habits, and beyond. I want to change my habits to become my “best self.”
So, how can I use this with my students?

I love spending the beginning of the new year reflecting and goal setting with my students. Teaching students to choose a Word of the Year aligns perfectly with this.
I start by sharing my word with my students, along with my reasons for choosing it. I share with them some specific action steps I plan to use that will align with my word. For example, this year, in order to emerge, I will read personal development books. (Click here to see what I’m reading this year!)
Next, we work together to choose a word for the class. Usually, I just jot down a bunch of suggestions on a piece of chart paper. We look for trends or repeated ideas, and then vote. Last year, our class word was “friendship.” It is always so fun to see what they come up with, and really helps to build our community.

Then it’s the students’ turn to choose their own personal word! They complete a brainstorm and reflection activity to guide them through this process.
Finally, students select one word and create a pennant to display their word. I love putting these on display for the school to see and for students to continue to see as a reminder.

Do you want these pennants for FREE? All of my email subscribers will receive these pennants (and more freebies to come!)
Word of the Year Desk Reminders
Anyone else obsessed with the Target Dollar Spot labels? I’ll pretty much use them for ANYTHING! I keep one on each of my student’s desks and make various reminders/tools to go in them throughout the year. In January, we make these mini Word of the Year reminders to go in there. The students love decorating them and having them on display as a constant reminder of their intention for the year.
Want to check out the resources I use?
Want to incorporate mindfulness into your classroom in 2020? Check out my post on 7 Ways to Implement Mindfulness in the Classroom
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